Being Inflow creates growth

Being Inflow creates growth

Today I wanted to expand that thought and life lesson. I wish to differentiate going with the flow from being Inflow. Going with the flow means you're not in control of your life. You allow life to unfold, and you're not making active decisions to guide your life to its highest. Being in flow means you are in the zone. You are actively pushing yourself out of your comfort zone while maintaining peace in your present life. Peace does not imply a life free of chaos, but it does imply that you have learned to remain calm amidst the chaos. Being Inflow does not mean being inactive. 

So what is flow?

Well, there are 8 elements that help you recognize when you're in flow:

  • Clarity of goals and immediate feedback. 

  • A high level of concentration on a limited field. 

  • A balance between skills and challenges. 

  • The feeling of control. 

  • Effortlessness. 

  • An altered perception of time. 

  • The melting together of action and consciousness. 

  • Flow is, therefore "Immediate Return on Investment."

What does being Inflow feel like?

It's the feeling of hyperfocus, that feeling of being able to quickly find solutions to your problems. It's the feeling of high vibrations and the yummy goodness of life. It's a feeling of ecstasy, clarity, and peace. If you've ever been Inflow, then you know the exact feeling! It's peaceful yet tantalizing, and you feel soooo aware of everything going on in your life. Being in flow provides such a huge awareness and clarity to yourself, your own life. You're able to connect dots that seemingly wasn't there before. You're able to create opportunities by simply thinking about them. Being Inflow is pure magic and bliss!

So how do you achieve flow? 

  1. Focus. You must have a series of clear goals to intently focus on. 

    1. write them down, break them into smaller goals and check them off constantly

  2. Start small. 

    1. most people fail because they go from 0-100 chasing the fastest results overnight. Don't be like most people. If your goal is weight loss, don't try to change your diet and start working out at once. Try just holding yourself consistent with just working out every week. Can you do that one thing for 30 days? Good on day 31 add a new goal and keep the cycle going

  3. Take advantage of every opportunity. 

    1. You know that phrase "there's opportunity all around you?" well there really is. But because you're not Inflow, you're unable to see all of the potential connections.

  4. Keep pushing. 

    1. You'll more than likely fail on your first try, probably your 2nd too... hell, maybe even your tenth.. one of my mentors used to tell me to only bring him the 10th edit of a project, any failures under 10 meant I wasn't trying hard enough. 

  5. Practice.

    1. Keep going! You will succeed. Learn from each failure! Practice doesn't make perfect, practice makes permanent! So do, fail, correct your mistakes, then do again. Keep showing up for yourself until it's a habit.

Tangible Task: Ask and answer yourself in your journal

  • Q1: What part of your life do you feel stuck in right now?

  • Q2: What are 3 steps you can take to start moving in the right direction?

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