You are stronger than your anxiety

You are stronger than your anxiety

Anxiety is the fear of things in the future, so to help reduce your anxiety, you must focus on the present. By intently focusing on your present, you'll end up reducing your anxiety and making it easier to reach the first flow step. I'm going to let you in on a bit of a secret; the only way to change the future or try to make it work to your benefit is to take action now. Being worried about the future is just as bad as worrying about someone else's green pastures. You're taking your eye off the ball, off the current present moment. You're living for Friday-Sunday, and you're missing out on the beauty that's happening right now in your life. Do you know what feeds anxiety? 

Bad diets and lack of self-belief. Our bodies were never meant to process our food's heavy chemicals these days. Bad food creates various hormone disruptions, causing your body to be outta whack. Sorry to tell you this, but stress eating does more harm than good. Not only does it add to the unhealthy weight gain, but it messes up your hormones as well.

If you shut off that negative voice in your head that keeps telling you that you can't, or you don't deserve it, or that you're not qualified enough, you'll get a lot more done. Literally, no one is holding you back but yourself and your thoughts of other people's opinions. And IDK about you but, my life is my own, and I'm not going to keep holding myself back on account that someone else has enough time to try and stop my shine. 

This isn't a game. You don't get do-overs. Once this life is over, it's over. So if you put your ego and pride aside, stop worrying about the future and if things will be how you're overthinking. Stop worrying about the future, and focus on the decisions you can make now to get you to that future vision! Become present at this moment, and recognize that if you don't change your inaction now, you'll never become the person of your dreams. Anxiety is the fear of things in the future. Don't be anxious, be present, and be active in your life.

Tangible Task: Ask and answer yourself in your journal

  • Q1: What is one thing that causes your anxiety?

  • Q2: Explore this situation and ask yourself “why does this cause so much anxiety for me?”

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